
What is Consciousness?

Anirban Bandopadhyay, Senior Scientist in the National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), Tsukuba, Japan has analyzed the Microtubules, protofilaments and proteins that are within a neuron. While microtubules are through out a human (and all animals/organisms), the microtubules within a neuron are uniquely organized The system underneath the neurons at different frequency goes from high resistance/impedance to very low resistance. They operate in a frequency (megahertz to terahertz) related harmony that is quantum-like that creates a proto-consciousness working with a variety of other parts of the body. A chimpanzee and a cow has similar type and density of neuron but are different a significant number of ways. Diving below the that structure to what happen underneath the neurons themselves is critical in analyzing the differences Please see the following specific points in the video below. At 0:56: Consciousness need not be biological it is the vibrations from sub-Planck to the e...

Do you agree with the general direction of GenAI/LLM's?

The aspiration is to get to Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). As an aside, the definition of AGI still eludes us. It tends to have meaning that can range from "God" to "generalized foundational models" using unique AI architectures - that is a different blog for a different day. The question is: Is this approach a sustainable one and will it lead to another "generalized" solution with limited application scope? Consider these specifications and metrics for GPT-4: Has 1.8+ trillion parameters across 120 layers Uses 16 Mixture Of Experts (MoE) each with ~111B Multi-layer perceptron Trained on ~13T normalized tokens Training Cost over $6o million Inference cluster size:128 GPUs, 8-way tensor parallelism, 16-way pipeline parallelism. This ensures that GPT-4 is trained on a very large corpus (which is still a small subset of a very very large corpus of available texts and images) and is up-to-date till that last training. To avoid continued training day-af...